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Labour's Welfare Plans Could Let 130,000 Skivers Off the Hook, Warns Cabinet Minister

Labours Welfare Plans Could Let 130,000 Skivers Off the Hook, Warns Cabinet Minister

Tory Analysis Shows Cost to Taxpayers Could Reach £2 Billion

Labour's proposed welfare plans could potentially allow 130,000 individuals to avoid their work commitments every month, according to analysis conducted by Tories. This leniency could end up costing hard-working taxpayers a staggering £2 billion over the course of five years, ministers have warned.

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride Speaks Out

Mel Stride, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, has criticized Labour's approach to welfare. He stated, "Labour's soft touch to the welfare system is not only reckless, it's unfair. It's no wonder that Labour has never left office with unemployment lower than when they came into power. These proposals will leave fit and able people avoiding their agreed commitments to find employment at the expense of taxpayers, costing hardworking people more than £2 billion over a parliament. Only the Conservatives will take the fair, long-term decisions to support people into work and grow the economy."

Labour's National Policy Framework (NPF)

Labour's NPF includes plans to be more lenient towards those on welfare. The party aims to overhaul the current system, which they describe as unfair and punitive, and end the sanctions that trap individuals in a cycle of low pay, insecurity, and poverty.

New Crackdown on Benefit Claimants Who "Choose to Coast"

The government is launching a new crackdown on benefit claimants who refuse to work. Under the proposed shake-up, individuals who fail to attend job coaching sessions or refuse employment face the possibility of having their benefits and free medical prescriptions cut off. The money saved from this crackdown will go towards funding long-awaited tax cuts.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Labour Dismisses Figures as "Desperate Attempt to Distract"

A spokesperson for Labour dismissed the Tory analysis as a desperate attempt to divert attention from the Conservatives' failure to address unemployment and control the benefits bill. The spokesperson also emphasized Labour's belief in conditionality, stating that rights must always be accompanied by responsibilities. Labour's plan aims to tackle the root causes of economic inactivity and reduce the benefits bill.

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