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Key Ed Miliband Adviser Calls for Tax on Foreign Holidays and Ban on Domestic Flights

Key Ed Miliband Adviser Calls for Tax on Foreign Holidays and Ban on Domestic Flights

Eleanor Salter, an adviser to Ed Miliband, has proposed implementing new taxes on British citizens who travel abroad for their holidays. Additionally, she has advocated for a complete ban on domestic flights within the UK. Salter, who advises Labour’s climate change chief, has sparked concerns that the Labour Party will impose strict green policies if they come into power.

Controversial Comments Spark Fears of Punitive Green Policies

During a Zoom discussion about a Green New Deal in December 2020, Salter expressed her support for reducing travel emissions. She suggested that the aviation sector, which has suffered during the pandemic, should be brought under public ownership instead of receiving bailouts. Salter proposed the introduction of a frequent flyer levy as a mechanism to scale down travel and phase out domestic flights. These comments have reignited the debate over Labour's green policies.

Labour Party Criticized for Lecturing Normal People

Salter's remarks have drawn criticism from senior Tories who argue that the Labour Party is attempting to dictate how people should live their lives. They accuse Labour of resorting to bans and taxes as solutions for any issue. The Tory source highlighted the party's tendency to follow this approach in the case of travel.

Backlash Against Keir Starmer's Eco Plans

Ed Miliband's adviser's comments have intensified the Labour Party's internal debate on green policies. Keir Starmer's commitment to spending £28 billion per year on eco initiatives has faced heavy criticism. While Starmer has attempted to downplay the pledge, he has yet to completely abandon it. The controversy surrounding Salter's remarks adds further pressure on Starmer's stance.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Labour Party's Response

A Labour spokesperson clarified the party's position by stating that they support investing in British industries to make the UK a clean energy superpower. They emphasized the importance of safeguarding jobs in carbon-intensive sectors and stated that Labour does not endorse frequent flyer taxes or the cessation of flights.