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Home Secretary Urges Civil Servants to Embrace Office Life

Home Secretary Urges Civil Servants to Embrace Office Life

Cabinet Minister James Cleverly has advised civil servants to embrace their "tribal" instinct and spend more time in the office. Drawing on centuries of human evolution, Cleverly argues that human beings have thrived on interaction and that it is unlikely to change. His comments come amid a row over the "work from home" policy, with many civil servants considering quitting if forced to return to the office three days a week.

Changing Guidelines and Staff Concerns

According to a survey of PCS union members, 60% of civil servants were contemplating leaving their jobs if they were required to return to the office for three days a week. Previously, working from the office for two or three days a week was encouraged but not mandatory. However, new advice issued in November 2023 now stipulates that all Whitehall staff must spend 60% of their working time in face-to-face interactions at the office.

Human Beings Are Tribal Animals

During an all-staff meeting at the Home Office, James Cleverly responded to questions about the new advice. He stated that human beings are tribal animals who have thrived on interaction for millennia. Cleverly believes that people benefit from being around each other more and that there are real advantages to face-to-face working. However, it is worth noting that he is not against remote working and acknowledges its benefits.

Overall, Cleverly's comments highlight the ongoing debate surrounding remote work and the importance of personal interaction in the workplace.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

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