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Germany's Open Borders Policy Backfires: Controversial 'Migrant Manifesto' Causes Stir

Germanys Open Borders Policy Backfires: Controversial Migrant Manifesto Causes Stir

Germany's Open Borders Policy

In 2015, as war raged in Syria, Chancellor Angela Merkel famously declared "We can do this" and opened Germany's borders to asylum seekers. Locals welcomed the newcomers with open arms, but now, Germany is regretting its open borders policy.

Bild's Campaign Turns

Buoyed on by Merkel's warm words, more than a million asylum seekers headed for Germany that year. The popular German tabloid Bild even launched a campaign called "We help — #refugeeswelcome". But now, Bild has had a change of heart.

The Migrant Manifesto

Bild am Sonntag, the Sunday edition of Bild, published a highly controversial 50-point manifesto titled "Germany, we have a problem!" The manifesto outlined "house rules" and stated that Germany has many people who oppose their way of life. It emphasized the importance of "Never again anti-Semitism in Germany, never again tyranny and racism."

Rising Anti-Semitic Hate

Like Britain, Germany has seen a surge in anti-Semitic hate since the recent Hamas terror attack in Israel. The country has witnessed an average of 29 anti-Semitic incidents per day since the attack, which is a 320% increase compared to the same period last year.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

The Backlash

Bild's manifesto sparked fury online, with critics accusing the tabloid of making racist insinuations about Arab immigrants. However, Bild pointed to politicians, activists, and readers who responded positively to the plan, stating that it addressed an important topic concerning people in Germany.

Changing Public Opinion

A recent Ipsos poll revealed that 48% of Germans believe the country should stop accepting any refugees, a significant increase from 32% last year. This shift in public opinion is reflected in the rising popularity of the anti-immigration far-right party Alternative for Germany, which is polling at a record 21%.

Government Response

In response to the changing public sentiment, Germany's Chancellor Olaf Scholz has reinstated border checks and promised to examine deals similar to the UK's Rwanda policy. The government is also considering cutting benefits for asylum seekers to relieve the strain on local authorities.

Awakening to the Problem

Retired German constitutional court judge Hans-Jürgen Papier stated that the EU and successive German governments had ignored the migration problem for too long. He believes that only now, under the pressure of rising numbers and extremist parties, have people finally woken up to the issue.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

The Impact

Germany's open borders policy has had significant repercussions, with rising anti-Semitism and a surge in far-right parties. As the country grapples with these challenges, the once-welcoming sentiment towards refugees has shifted, leading to a reevaluation of immigration policies.

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