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Former Cabinet Secretary Apologizes for Suggesting Chickenpox-Style Parties at Start of Covid Pandemic

Former Cabinet Secretary Apologizes for Suggesting Chickenpox-Style Parties at Start of Covid Pandemic

Lord Sedwill, the ex-Cabinet Secretary, has issued an apology for his previous suggestion of holding chickenpox-style parties at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. During his testimony to the Covid inquiry, Sedwill referred to his remark as "heartless" and clarified that his intention was to develop herd immunity.

Ridiculing Matt Hancock

In addition to his apology, Lord Sedwill also criticized Matt Hancock, the former Health Secretary, during his appearance at the Covid inquiry. Sedwill stated that Hancock should have been dismissed for lying in meetings. These comments, which were meant to remain private, were disclosed by Dominic Cummings, a former aide to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

A Private Exchange Made Public

Lord Sedwill faced backlash after suggesting that his comments should not have been made public. According to Dominic Cummings, Sedwill advised Boris Johnson in March 2020 to appear on television and promote chickenpox gatherings. Sedwill expressed his regret during his testimony, acknowledging that the interpretation of his remarks could be seen as heartless and thoughtless.

Saving Lives and Protecting the NHS

Sedwill also gave evidence during the inquiry, revealing that he urged Boris Johnson to dismiss Matt Hancock in order to "save lives and protect the NHS." He even sent a lighthearted WhatsApp message to Simon Case, the former permanent secretary at Number 10, jokingly suggesting that Hancock's removal would fulfill the pandemic-era slogan. Sedwill clarified that his intention was to address the issue at hand, rather than directly advocating for Hancock's dismissal.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Questioning Hancock's Truthfulness

During his testimony, Lord Sedwill was questioned about Matt Hancock's honesty and approach. Sedwill confirmed that concerns regarding Hancock's truthfulness were not limited to just a few individuals, indicating a broader issue.

Describing Aides as "Feral"

In addition to his remarks about Hancock, Sedwill described aides working for Boris Johnson as "feral." He compared the experience of dealing with them to taming wild animals and stated that his past experiences had not prepared him for such behavior. Sedwill humorously added, "I have the bite marks."

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