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Foreign Workers Could Help Build 1.5 Million Homes in the UK, According to Labour Plans

Foreign Workers Could Help Build 1.5 Million Homes in the UK, According to Labour Plans

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has revealed plans to recruit foreign workers to help build the 1.5 million homes that are part of the party's housing initiative. Starmer believes that there needs to be "flexibility" in opening the doors to migrants to address skills shortages in the country. While he hopes to prioritize using UK talent, he acknowledges the need for overseas recruitment. This announcement comes as housing becomes a key election issue.

Labour Leader Open to Recruiting Foreign Workers

Sir Keir Starmer has expressed his willingness to recruit foreign workers to address the skills shortages in the UK construction industry. He believes that there needs to be "flexibility" in granting visas to migrants. While he considers using UK talent as a priority, he acknowledges that recruiting from overseas may be necessary.

Building Homes for the Future

Starmer describes himself as a YIMBY (Yes In My Back Yard) and emphasizes the importance of building homes to meet the needs of the future. He believes that providing affordable housing is crucial for young people who aspire to own their own homes. Starmer aims to build 1.5 million homes in the first five years of a Labour government.

Overcoming Opposition to Housing Plans

Starmer is prepared to override local opposition to deliver his housing plans, even if it means going against Labour MPs and councils. He is determined to bulldoze away any obstacles that stand in the way of building the necessary homes. The plan also includes the construction of ten new towns, which may face objections from residents.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Housing Secretary Criticizes Labour's Approach

Housing Secretary Michael Gove criticized Labour's housing plans, accusing them of short-term positioning and prioritizing headlines over long-term solutions. He also pointed out that Labour recently voted against the building of 100,000 homes, suggesting that Starmer is more interested in blocking development than supporting it.