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David Cameron defends decision to engage with China during his tenure as PM

David Cameron defends decision to engage with China during his tenure as PM

Former Prime Minister David Cameron has defended his approach of fostering closer ties with China while in office, despite the country's increasingly aggressive behavior. In 2015, Cameron famously declared a "golden era" of relations with China, but since then, Tory MPs have criticized the move in light of China's crackdown on Hong Kong and treatment of Uighar Muslims. However, Lord Cameron, who recently returned to frontline politics, emphasized the importance of engaging with China and defended his decision to prioritize trade and economic growth during his time as PM.

China's increasing aggression

In an interview with the BBC, Lord Cameron acknowledged that China has become more assertive and aggressive, particularly in its treatment of the Uighurs and its "wolf warrior" diplomacy. He highlighted the need for security and protection in foreign policy but maintained that engaging with China remained crucial.

Fostering economic growth

Lord Cameron explained that when he became Prime Minister, his priority was to revive the British economy and boost trade. He embarked on trips to countries like India, China, and Africa to promote British exports and support businesses. He believed that engaging with China was essential to achieve these goals.

Return to frontline politics

Cameron recently made a comeback to frontline politics as part of a cabinet reshuffle. Speaking about his appointment, he stated his belief in public service and the need to address the challenging issues facing the country, such as the conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

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