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Covid inquiry must not shut down idea of China lab leak

Covid inquiry must not shut down idea of China lab leak

Expensive Reality TV Show

The UK's Covid Inquiry is becoming the most expensive reality TV show in history, costing £100 million. With ministers, civil servants, and experts squabbling over blame, it's beginning to feel like a never-ending drama.

The Need for Two Stages

Instead of one lengthy inquiry, it would have been more beneficial to split it into two stages. The first stage would focus on finding the best model for dealing with future pandemics, while the second stage would delve into the specifics of what went right and wrong during the Covid-19 crisis.

Gove's Controversial Statement

Michael Gove faced backlash when he suggested that Covid-19 might have been man-made. The inquiry's top lawyer reprimanded him for going beyond the scope of the inquiry and dismissed the idea as divisive. This restrictive approach is hindering the search for real answers.

The Importance of Debate

Inquiries should not shy away from discussing divisive issues. These are the topics that require the most debate and analysis. The possibility of the virus being man-made has serious implications, especially regarding medical research and future restrictions. It is crucial to address these concerns and act accordingly.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Shutting Down Alternative Theories

Those who have raised concerns about the lab leak theory have been shut down and censored. Facebook banned discussions about the virus being man-made, and fact-checkers targeted claims of a lab escape. The inquiry should not follow Big Tech's example but instead seek the truth.

Implications for Future Health Threats

The questions surrounding the origins of the virus have significant implications for how we handle future health threats. Recent developments, such as the detection of a new strain of swine flu and respiratory illnesses in Chinese children, serve as reminders that another pandemic is not a matter of if, but when.

Scrutinizing China's Role

We must thoroughly examine China's actions during the pandemic and its failure to contain the virus in late 2019. While it is unlikely that China intentionally created and released the virus, it is essential to ask difficult questions and hold them accountable.

Failures of the Covid Inquiry

The Covid inquiry has revealed that many decision-makers lacked knowledge and understanding of the virus and its scientific aspects. Alternative voices were ignored or silenced, which could have potentially saved lives. The reaction to Michael Gove's comments highlights the lack of progress and learning from past mistakes.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Unprepared for the Next Pandemic

If the response to the current pandemic is any indication, it is clear that we are not adequately prepared for the next one. The lack of accountability and the failure to learn from mistakes does not bode well for future health emergencies.

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