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Campaigners warn Sir Keir Starmer against trying to cancel Boxing Day hunts

Campaigners warn Sir Keir Starmer against trying to cancel Boxing Day hunts

COUNTRYSIDE campaigners have warned Sir Keir Starmer against trying to cancel Boxing Day hunts.

Risking a Toxic Culture War

They say the Labour chief risks stoking a toxic culture war if his party repeats past attacks on rural life.

Smokescreen for Illegal Hunting?

Tens of thousands will go trail hunting from 11am on Boxing Day. But anti-hunt groups claim it is a smokescreen for illegal hunting.

Cracking Down on Hunts

In the 2019 election, Labour vowed to crack down on all hunts and close loopholes that allow dogs to kill foxes for sport.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

The "Elephant in the Countryside"

Tim Bonner, of the pro-hunting Countryside Alliance, said Labour’s long-running feud with hunting has led to voters not taking the party seriously — and referred to Sir Keir as the "elephant in the countryside".

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Mr Bonner added: "He rightly talks about a future Labour government having respect for rural communities, but that needs to be more than just a catchphrase. We need to see action.

Standing Up to Bullying

"Ultimately, the countryside doesn’t want to have to have a fight over hunting again, but it will not sit back and allow itself to be bullied and become a victim to a toxic culture war."

Regrets Over Foxhunting Ban

This year, ex-Labour cabinet minister Lord Mandelson admitted Tony Blair’s foxhunting ban was one of the policies he most regrets.

A War on the Countryside

Baroness Kate Hoey, who left the party in 2019, said: "Labour needs rural seats to win a majority. A war on the countryside, as past experience has shown, contributes to electoral defeat, not victory."

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