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Boris Johnson Faces Covid Inquiry Showdown: Apology Expected, but Big Calls Defended

Boris Johnson Faces Covid Inquiry Showdown: Apology Expected, but Big Calls Defended

Arrival at the Covid Inquiry

Boris Johnson has arrived at the Covid Inquiry, where he is set to face a grilling on his leadership during the pandemic. The ex-PM is expected to explain to senior lawyers that he made the right decisions on key issues.

Apology for Mistakes

While defending his big calls, Boris Johnson is also expected to apologize for some mistakes. He was warned that the public could grow tired of lockdown restrictions and defy the rules, leading to the spread of the virus.

Examination of Early 2020 Decisions

The decisions made by Boris Johnson in early 2020 will be closely examined during his two days of evidence before the official probe. This includes the timing of the first lockdown and the impact on schoolchildren, the economy, and mental health.

Touting Vaccine Program Success

Boris Johnson is set to highlight the success of the UK's vaccine program, with the country administering the first Covid-19 jab in the world in December 2020. Emergency authorization was granted by British regulators.

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Warnings from Chief Medical Adviser

Chief medical adviser Sir Chris Whitty warned Boris Johnson about the timing of restrictions, emphasizing the need to strike a balance between going too late and going too early. The timing was deemed crucial for public support.

Admission of Mistakes and Lives Saved

Boris Johnson is expected to admit that ministers made mistakes during the pandemic. However, decisions made by Whitehall are believed to have saved lives. He will issue an unreserved apology during his testimony.

Addressing Other Claims

Boris Johnson is also expected to address other claims made by ex-aide Dominic Cummings. These include asking scientists about using a "special hair dryer" to destroy the virus and allegedly saying he would rather "let the bodies pile high" than impose further restrictions on the economy.

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