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Boris Johnson Asked if Blowdryer Up Nose Could Cure COVID, Claims Dominic Cummings

Boris Johnson Asked if Blowdryer Up Nose Could Cure COVID, Claims Dominic Cummings

Former Aide's Shocking Revelation

In a stunning revelation during the Covid Inquiry, Dominic Cummings, former top aide to ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson, claimed that Johnson asked Britain's chief doctor if using a blowdryer up the nose could cure the coronavirus. Cummings stated that Johnson was inspired by a YouTube video suggesting that hair styling tools could help end the pandemic.

Low Point of the Pandemic

Cummings described the blowdryer question as a "low point" of the pandemic. He criticized Johnson for posing the question to Britain's Chief Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Officer without a hint of irony. Cummings referred to the incident as one of many questionable decisions made during the crisis.

Cummings' Explosive Testimony

Cummings did not hold back during his appearance at the inquiry. He used profane language to describe top ministers, criticized Whitehall's pandemic planning, and accused health officials of lying to cover up their mistakes. Daytime TV presenters even had to apologize for the language used in Cummings' text messages, which were read out live.

Chaotic Early Days of the Outbreak

Cummings lifted the lid on the chaos that ensued during the early days of the outbreak. He claimed that his judgment of senior officials in Downing Street was widespread, and he revealed that many secretly called him a "trolly" for his erratic behavior. Cummings also expressed frustration with the Cabinet Office, calling it a "bomb site," and criticized the government's Covid plan as a "joke."

courtesy of thesun.co.uk

Controversial Barnard Castle Dash

During the inquiry, Cummings admitted that his infamous trip to Barnard Castle during lockdown caused pain to many people and acknowledged that its handling was a "disaster." He also expressed disbelief that someone like himself was brought in to work in No10.

Texts Revealed

As part of his evidence, Cummings presented texts sent during the pandemic that shed light on the government's handling of the crisis. These texts, along with Cummings' testimony, provide insight into the decision-making and chaos that characterized the early stages of the outbreak.

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